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Can I have access to the lyrics of the songs?Yes! You can access the lyrics of all the tracks in the 'Songs From The Deep' album. You can also get the lyrics for the popular prolife song "What Was Your Name". Since this has been a popular request, we have made them all easily accessible for you to download from the RESOURCES tab in the menu above.
Do I need permission to do covers of Joyce's music at my church?We are humbled that this request has come up. Yes! You may freely use Joyce's music in your chruch worship set. If you do so, we would love to hear from you as it encourages us to keep of creating resources to support the church.
Can Joyce come to sing / speak at our event?Thank you for considerng Joyce as your keynote speaker or guest singer. Joyce is passionate about encouraging the body of Christ. She is also a devout mother and wife and her speaking engagement and touring dates for concerts are limited. If you would like to know more about her availability, reach-out to us by submitting your request on the CONTACT link in the menu above.
Where will Joyce be performing next?You can also visit the EVENTS tab on the menu above to see whats next. Furthermore, you can listen to past radio interviews, TV interviews and podcast guest appearances too.
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